International Prison Nursery Podcast

Podcast: International Prison Nursery Podcast

Children of Incarcerated Caregivers (CIC) presents the International Prison Nursery Podcast. In this podcast, Barbara Frey and Paul Dosh speak with guests from around the world in an attempt to understand the varying perspectives surrounding the use of prison nurseries as an alternative to caregiver and child separation due to incarceration.

By gaining insight into the experiences and perspectives of those involved with prison nurseries and community-based alternative programs, CIC hopes to raise awareness of the risks and benefits of and alternatives to prison nurseries, while advocating for consideration the best interests of children who face placement in a prison nursery or alternative setting.

To learn more about the Prison Nursery Podcast and CIC, visit

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
Canada: A Critical Examination of the Institutional Mother-Child Program with Dr. Martha Paynter (Episode #7)

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Canada: A Critical Examination of the Institutional Mother-Child Program with Dr. Martha Paynter (Episode #7)

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
Canada: A Critical Examination of the Institutional Mother-Child Program with Dr. Martha Paynter (Episode #7)

In this episode, Barbara Frey is joined by Doctor Martha Paynter, the Director of Nursing Research with the Contraceptive and Abortion Research Team at the University of British Columbia and Assistant Professor in Nursing at the University of New Brunswick. Dr. Paynter draws from her research, which focuses on the intersection of reproductive health and… Read more…

India: Making Child Protection Everyone’s Business with Dr. Smita Dharmamer of Aangan Trust and Mallika Setalvad (Episode 6)

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
India: Making Child Protection Everyone's Business with Dr. Smita Dharmamer of Aangan Trust and Mallika Setalvad (Episode 6)

In this episode, Barbara Frey sits down with Dr. Smita Dharmamer, the Associate Director of Children in State Care at Aangan Trust India, and Mallika Setalvad, a citizen volunteer at the Nanhe Kadam Balwadi creche in Mumbai. Dr. Dharmamer explains how Aangan Trust, a child protection organization, has evolved to work directly with children living… Read more…

Kenya: Investing in the Reintegration of Women and Children with Terry Nyaoro of Clean Start Kenya (Episode 5)

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
Kenya: Investing in the Reintegration of Women and Children with Terry Nyaoro of Clean Start Kenya (Episode 5)

Joining Paul Dosh is Terry Nyaoro (aka Terry Bii), Program Officer at Clean Start Kenya, a Narobi-based organization that aids justice-impacted women and children with reintegration support. Nyaoro details the history of Clean Start, emphasizing the impact the founder’s experience with incarceration has had on the organization’s mission and programming. Drawing on the post-release challenges… Read more…

United States: Model Programming and Building Community at Bedford Hills Prison Nursery with Jane Silfen (Episode 4)

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
United States: Model Programming and Building Community at Bedford Hills Prison Nursery with Jane Silfen (Episode 4)

In this episode, Paul Dosh speaks with Jane Silfen, the Director of Programs for Hour Children, a nonprofit organization that supports current and previously incarcerated women through educational, vocational, and family-oriented programs. Silfen leads the mother-child care initiatives at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women in New York, which has the nation’s oldest prison nursery… Read more…

New Zealand: Dr. Jacqui Johnson on the Spatial, Temporal, and Social Contradictions within Mothers with Babies Units (Episode 3)

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
New Zealand: Dr. Jacqui Johnson on the Spatial, Temporal, and Social Contradictions within Mothers with Babies Units (Episode 3)

Joining Barbara Frey is Doctor Jacqui Johnson, a family response violence specialist at Oranga Tamariki—New Zealand’s Ministry for Children. In this episode, Dr. Johnson discusses her Ph.D. research on “Monitored Mothering,” an ethnographic study on the experiences of mothers who parent in New Zealand’s Mothers with Babies Units, or MBUs. She describes the social, temporal,… Read more…

United States: Addressing the Core Needs of Both Child and Mother with Dr. Lorie Goshin (Episode 2)

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
United States: Addressing the Core Needs of Both Child and Mother with Dr. Lorie Goshin (Episode 2)

In this episode, Paul Dosh sits down with Doctor Lorie Goshin, a nurse and associate professor at Hunter College Bellevue School of Nursing with a Ph.D. in nursing research. Dr. Goshin describes what prison nurseries look like in the United States and delves into the structure, operation, and conduct of such institutions. She specifically focuses… Read more…

Mexico: Prison Conditions Call for State Accountability with Dr. Elena Azaola (Episode 1)

International Prison Nursery Podcast
International Prison Nursery Podcast
Mexico: Prison Conditions Call for State Accountability with Dr. Elena Azaola (Episode 1)

In this episode, Barbara Frey speaks with Doctor Elena Azaola, an anthropologist and psychoanalyst who specializes in Mexico’s politics of security. Her research focuses on youth impacted by Mexico’s criminal legal system, children and adolescents affected by widespread violence, and women deprived of liberty. Through these lenses, Dr. Azaola explains the considerations that should be… Read more…

Children of Incarcerated Caregiver (“CIC”) is a nonprofit organization whose central mission is to research, identify, and implement solutions to enhance the lives of children affected by a parent’s incarceration.  We strive to provide the latest and most accurate information regarding children affected by a parent’s incarceration.  However, the podcasts posted on this website contain information that was presented as of the date each podcast was recorded.  The information contained in any posted podcast may become outdated based on developments after recording.  Some information contained in the podcasts is provided by third parties (such as interviewees), and CIC cannot and does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.  CIC disclaims any liability related to the content of the podcasts posted to this website, other content presented on this website, and any CIC social media account.