Reports on Alternatives to Parental Incarceration

CIC partners with law students through the robust pro bono program at the University of California Irvine (UCI), which pairs UCI law students with public interest organizations nationwide, as well as through the Minnesota Justice Foundation (MJF) Law School Public Service Program, which connects students at Mitchell Hamline, the University of Minnesota, and St. Thomas to pro bono legal opportunities. The following reports have been researched and written by our UCI and MJF student researchers.

The Illinois Children’s Best Interest Act – 2024

CIC students researchers Amanda Tyler and Bekah Muta wrote the above report about the Children’s Best Interest Act in Illinois, which since 2021 has set forth additional mitigating factors for courts to consider when sentencing a parent or caregiver and created the right to present a family impact statement at sentencing.

Advancing Justice in Massachusetts: The Impact and Evolution of Primary Caretakers Legislation – 2024

Massachusetts allows primary caretakers of children to request a community sentence if they’re convicted of a crime. Now, advocates are hoping to create a path to pre-trial diversion for pregnant people and caregivers too. Learn more about the Primary Caretakers statute and new legislation in this report by UCI fellow Anthony Pimentel.

Alternatives to Incarceration for Parents in California – Progress in San Francisco – 2023

UCI fellows Karsen Melgard and Zoe Vikstrom co-wrote the above report investigating California’s Primary Caregiver Diversion Law.

Oregon Family Sentencing Alternative Pilot Program – 2023

In 2022, UCI fellow Meg Hinson wrote an initial report investigating Oregon’s Family Sentencing Alternative Pilot Program, and UCI fellow Nicolas Guo updated the report in 2023.

Community-Based Solutions for Alternatives to Parental Incarceration – 2023

In 2023, UCI fellow Sullyari Bautista wrote the above report investigating two programs: ReMerge in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and the ARC Maternal and Infant Program in Madison, Wisconsin.

Children of Incarcerated Caregiver (“CIC”) is a nonprofit organization whose central mission is to research, identify, and implement solutions to enhance the lives of children affected by a parent’s incarceration.  We strive to provide the latest and most accurate information regarding children affected by a parent’s incarceration.  However, the reports posted on this website contain information that was presented as of the date each report was written.  The information contained in any posted report may become outdated based on developments after writing.  Some information contained in the reports is provided by third parties (such as interviewees), and CIC cannot and does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.  CIC disclaims any liability related to the content of the reports posted to this website, other content presented on this website, and any CIC social media account.