Prison Nursery Reports

CIC works with student research fellows who explore prison nursery programs and community-based alternatives. Research fellows look at laws, policies, and practices related to these programs and interview persons familiar with systems in the county or state where the programs exist. Through this work, CIC gains a better understanding of different models for keeping parents and young children together as an alternative to separation due to a parent’s incarceration. Through this process, CIC is developing the Global Prison Nursery Network, a group of individuals and organizations that want to work collectively to promote the best interests of children facing placement in a prison nursery or alternative setting.

Each month, CIC will release a new report on its website.

United States

Argentina – Español

Argentina – English



Minnesota’s Healthy Start Act




Children of Incarcerated Caregiver (“CIC”) is a nonprofit organization whose central mission is to research, identify, and implement solutions to enhance the lives of children affected by a parent’s incarceration.  We strive to provide the latest and most accurate information regarding children affected by a parent’s incarceration.  However, the reports posted on this website contain information that was presented as of the date each report was written.  The information contained in any posted report may become outdated based on developments after writing.  Some information contained in the reports is provided by third parties (such as interviewees), and CIC cannot and does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.  CIC disclaims any liability related to the content of the reports posted to this website, other content presented on this website, and any CIC social media account.